How FCG Started
My name is Jonathan Oien, I am a glass fusing / slumping artist. I grew up in a smaller town in Minnesota called Red Wing. As a boy I spent many a night at my best friend Aaron's home. In our own adventures being boys, I watched his dad in the background. Cutting glass, putting it in the kiln and seeing what happens. Fast forward to 2018. I was talking to my buddy's dad Mike. He was talking about retiring. I thought to myself, I watched him build a craft from his basement. Making these glass sculptures over the years, refining and creating objects that drew my eye and my spirit. I did not want to see everything Mike has done stop. I was very lucky, I asked if he would take me on as an apprentice. I spent a weekend with Mike and Jody to see if this was a good idea or not. Well the weekends kept happening, Mike kept showing me more and more. I am very honored to have been able to apprentice with Mike. Faster than I thought, the torch has been passed. Now, I am in my basement... Cutting glass and putting it in the kiln and see what happens as my son plays with me in the background. Full Circle Glassworks.

What Does FCG Do
Recycled Plate Glass???
I use recycled plate glass(like your windows in your home) cut cold and carefully formed to an open mold. Electric kiln fired, and then sandblasted to form. Each sculpture is created and is one of a kind. Like the snow that falls, each flake is similar but also very different. Just as the glass that is used to create, FCG is limited by the size of each pane of glass to make each sculpture. Long story short. Heat and expansion, if not uniform have shattering results.